Spirits of Space (namthel)

There are spirits in trees and green fields as well as in areas of strong energy such as the center of large, flat places. There are spirits at the junctures of roads. There are spirits of space—here not considered one of the eight classes—called namthel, that are known to be very hairy. In northern Tibet, where my mother was born, there are many of these spirits and they are propitiated by the people who live there. Often the spirits become protectors for villages and individuals–relationships that last for lifetimes. They often appear in dreams with messages for those they are protecting.

A Warning

Because spirits can be positive or negative in relation to humans, it is wise to be careful with practices that connect the practitioner to a spirit. It is currently popular for people to take drum journeys in their imaginations and to look for guardian spirits and power animals and so on. Although usually this is beneficial, or at least harmless, there really are beings with whom the rare individual will connect. Not all of them are beings anyone should want to connect with. There seems to be little regard for who the being is; this can be a dangerous practice. People are much more careful about choosing a business partner or a roommate than they seem to be about choosing a non-physical being for a guide or guardian.