For All Those Who Have Had a Wake-Up Call About Their Own Death

This site is offered as a gift for all those who have had a startling and sobering reminder of their own death – and now urgently wish to prepare for their own end of life.

Such a reminder can take one of several forms, for example:

  1.  Startling news about one’s one health condition and imminent death.
  2. The unexpected or untimely death of a loved one or close friend.
  3. A sudden, totally unexpected, brush with death, such as walking away unharmed from a potentially fatal accident.

The content on the website is intended to be practical and beneficial, regardless of where particular information has been gleaned from.

Each faith tradition has much to offer as far as end of life matters. Even though this website is mainly presented from a Buddhist (Tibetan) perspective, in an open-hearted way, each person can draw on whatever information they deem to be personally helpful.

When a person is facing their death, then long discussion and debate over points of view and perspectives about the end of life are no longer needed, urgent or relevant. (This, surely, is not the time to engage in unpleasant arguing over faith and belief matters.)

May each person reach a place where they can be quietly settled, reassured, and confident in their own view and perspective about the end of life.

Alexander Peck (October 31, 2020)

Written in Thornlands, near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Reflection: The thought of death should always be present in a practitioner’s mind. However it should not be morbid or depressing but serve as an encouragement to use every minute of life to complete the interior transformation to which one aspires. (Matthieu Ricard. On the Path to Enlightenment.)