The Suffering in Samsara
As a meditator, relax the stubbornness of your mind and extend your mind beyond what your senses can perceive.
Appreciate the presence of millions of living beings in whatever forms they exist.
There are sentient beings as big as mountains and others so small they cannot be seen with our eyes. Each of them possesses a body and mind with hopes, fears, and the aspiration to sustain its existence.
Each one creates karma that comes to fruition as a particular samsaric environment, and each one desires happiness and freedom from suffering.
In spite of this, all of them are stuck in ignorance and unable to recognize that the ground of happiness is created from positive karma. Contemplate their immeasurable sufferings—which are more than you can read about or understand.
Suffering in the human realm:
When we enter old age, this lifetime comes to an end.
Physically we are no longer able to create life.
The body bends, the skin dries up, our face becomes full of wrinkles, and our hair turns white.
All of our senses weaken and wane so we can’t enjoy the things we want to enjoy.
Sitting is uncomfortable, walking is uncomfortable, living is uncomfortable.
Our speech stammers and the mind isn’t clear or coherent.
Everything we’ve taken to be solid is completely groundless; everything we want to hold on to dissolves and disappears.
We need to contemplate these human experiences.
Source: Rinpoche, Khandro. This Precious Life. Shambhala. Kindle Edition.

Most human beings, no matter how good our intentions, do not understand the suffering of others. … Yet we aspire to selfless compassion for all sentient beings. Without a proper understanding of suffering, however, it’s difficult to practice selflessness—and boasting of selfless compassion would be a lie. Unbiased compassion must be based on an unbiased understanding of suffering that completely encompasses all sentient beings.
(Khandro Rinpoche)