The purpose of this website is to share information about journeying toward the end of one’s life. An underlying theme is the question: What is of utmost importance now?
If a visitor wishes to leave a comment relating to the website, they may use this email address: I will do my best to respond. However, because of personal time constraints at this time, a response cannot be guaranteed. Nevertheless, any comments made will be appreciated.
The privacy of personal information, provided by anyone writing to the above email address, will be held in highest regard.
May the reflections shared on this website be of personal benefit to all visitors. That is my sole purpose for creating this site.
Alexander Peck (November 2020)
Personal Background
Here is a short biographical profile:
My parents immigrated to Australia in 1950 from Europe. I grew up in rural Australia.
After high school, I attended Teacher’s College; later I received an MA in Education.
Later in life, I obtained an MA in Theology, and another MA in Christian Spirituality.
My career involved working as a writer (documentation), editor, compiler, and teacher.
I lived and worked overseas: England (2 years), United States (19 years), Czech Republic (8 years), South Korea (4 years), and Saudi Arabia (1 year).
Now retired, I am presently living near Brisbane, Australia with my wife, Eva (who has a Czech background).
I have had a lifelong interest in theology and spirituality, and have also been drawn to an inter-faith perspective. This website, however, is presented mainly from a Tibetan Buddhist perspective.
Other interests may be listed as walking/hiking, amateur photography, reading, reflection, and meditation.
Alexander Peck (November 2, 2020)
Written in Thornlands, near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Photo Credit: Eva Peck